As at 31 December |
Note |
2019 HK$ million |
2018 HK$ million |
Assets |
Cash and deposits |
740,434 |
832,968 |
Placements with banks and non-bank financial institutions |
226,686 |
200,030 |
Derivative financial instruments |
19,580 |
37,294 |
Trade and other receivables |
167,427 |
111,057 |
Contract assets |
11,504 |
11,068 |
Inventories |
54,735 |
58,087 |
Financial assets held under resale agreements |
11,117 |
12,955 |
Loans and advances to customers and other parties |
4,366,639 |
4,024,401 |
Investments in financial assets |
- Financial assets at amortised cost |
1,040,997 |
899,348 |
- Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss |
403,776 |
395,259 |
- Debt investments at fair value through other comprehensive income |
701,936 |
582,899 |
- Equity investments at fair value through other comprehensive income |
7,020 |
6,921 |
Assets classified as held for sale |
28,819 |
- |
Interests in associates |
123,345 |
116,631 |
Interests in joint ventures |
40,963 |
38,620 |
Fixed assets |
150,075 |
189,647 |
Investment properties |
37,555 |
32,579 |
Right-of-use assets |
36,494 |
N/A |
Intangible assets |
11,977 |
14,387 |
Goodwill |
21,203 |
22,885 |
Deferred tax assets |
58,729 |
50,011 |
Other assets |
28,913 |
23,666 |
Total assets |
8,289,924 |
7,660,713 |
Liabilities |
Borrowing from central banks |
268,256 |
327,629 |
Deposits from banks and non-bank financial institutions |
1,061,380 |
888,966 |
Placements from banks and non-bank financial institutions |
107,400 |
129,163 |
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss |
1,436 |
1,468 |
Derivative financial instruments |
20,763 |
37,676 |
Trade and other payables |
148,908 |
171,093 |
Contract liabilities |
21,380 |
18,535 |
Financial assets sold under repurchase agreements |
127,766 |
138,589 |
Deposits from customers |
4,541,841 |
4,159,924 |
Employee benefits payables |
23,542 |
22,705 |
Income tax payable |
13,989 |
11,551 |
Bank and other loans |
151,312 |
156,678 |
Debt instruments issued |
823,964 |
745,031 |
Lease liabilities |
17,435 |
N/A |
Liabilities directly associated with assets classified as held for sale |
20,674 |
- |
Provisions |
11,155 |
9,713 |
Deferred tax liabilities |
9,963 |
8,756 |
Other liabilities |
24,269 |
22,576 |
Total liabilities |
7,395,433 |
6,850,053 |
Equity |
Share capital |
381,710 |
381,710 |
Reserves |
209,816 |
176,835 |
Total ordinary shareholders’ funds |
591,526 |
558,545 |
Non-controlling interests |
302,965 |
252,115 |
Total equity |
894,491 |
810,660 |
Total liabilities and equity |
8,289,924 |
7,660,713 |
Approved and authorised for issue by the board of directors on 31 March 2020.
Director: Zhu Hexin
Director: Wang Jiong
The notes form part of these consolidated financial statements.