CITIC Limited Annual Report 2014

Consolidated Balance Sheet

As at 31 December 2014
Note 2014
HK$ million
HK$ million (Restated)
Cash and deposits 19 897,161 899,198
Placements with banks and non-bank financial institutions 20 86,428 155,576
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 21 37,248 15,658
Derivative financial instruments 22 10,594 9,966
Trade and other receivables 23 130,747 108,977
Amounts due from customers for contract work 1,447 1,748
Inventories 24 133,258 136,631
Financial assets held under resale agreements 25 172,100 365,361
Loans and advances to customers and other parties 26 2,711,851 2,419,803
Available-for-sale financial assets 27 328,062 274,137
Held-to-maturity investments 28 225,700 196,886
Investments classified as receivables 29 834,652 381,783
Interests in associates 31 51,616 45,503
Interests in joint ventures 32 31,016 30,614
Fixed assets 33 179,303 174,534
Investment properties 33 28,744 28,968
Intangible assets 34 21,024 36,034
Goodwill 35 13,709 13,923
Deferred tax assets 36(b) 24,277 16,801
Other assets 28,894 9,608
Total assets 5,947,831 5,321,709
Borrowing from central banks 63,445 -
Deposits from banks and non-bank financial institutions 37 871,213 709,621
Placements from banks and non-bank financial institutions 38 24,257 52,623
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss 726 -
Derivative financial instruments 22 13,474 11,529
Trade and other payables 39 193,957 205,776
Amounts due to customers for contract work 10,646 8,041
Financial assets sold under repurchase agreements 40 52,745 10,111
Deposits from customers 41 3,586,508 3,345,943
Employee benefits payables 20,845 18,398
Income tax payable 36(a) 10,890 8,663
Bank and other loans 42 218,993 217,518
Debt instruments issued 43 273,126 201,151
Provisions 44 2,932 2,728
Deferred tax liabilities 36(b) 7,409 6,436
Other liabilities 21,158 6,619
Total liabilities 5,372,324 4,805,157
Equity 45    
Share capital: nominal value
Share premium
Capital redemption reserve
Share capital and other statutory capital reserves
Perpetual capital securities
Total ordinary shareholders'funds and
     perpetual capital securities
  431,960 385,614
Non-controlling interests   143,547 130,938
Total equity   575,507 516,552
Total liabilities and equity   5,947,831 5,321,709
Director : Chang Zhenming
Director : Wang Jiong