Working around the clock and across the globe, Dicastal’s research division comprises more than 400 automotive engineers based at our headquarters and across Japan, Europe and North America.

As a leading supplier of both aluminium wheels and other automotive components, Dicastal has contributed significantly to raising production standards across the industry. It has developed a number of proprietary lightweight solutions in advanced aluminium casting, forging and casting-spinning techniques. Dicastal is also the world’s only auto components supplier that integrates light-weight solutions and all-around surface engineering throughout the manufacturing process.

Currently, Dicastal’s research priority is the development of advanced lightweight materials and integrated production processes that will unlock higher efficiencies in both product durability and manufacturing. In lightweight technology, for example, the company is exploring a range of new applications for magnesium alloys and carbon hybrids that decrease mass while increasing strength. It is also developing smart production systems in partnership with GE and Siemens to optimise production efficiency.

Recently, Dicastal has also begun to roll out proprietary technology that will help achieve one of its longstanding research objectives: the end-to-end integration of automated real-time data collection throughout the manufacturing process. Already featured at new manufacturing sites such as the wheel production plant in Michigan, USA, this innovative technology, which is unique to Dicastal, is expected to define a new industry standard in how aluminium wheels and components are manufactured now and developed in the future.

Beyond proprietary research, Dicastal also collaborates with several academic and industry institutions on primary studies of metallurgical and other material advancements.